London Drum

London Landmarks, Attractions & Events Forum

9comments Is the pavement outside Horseguards (where the mounted guards stand) still M.O.D. property?

4comments Hi Roger. The book has photographs and reviews of the all the landmarks and attractions. It doesn’t have any maps

9comments Hi. Just walk down Charing Cross Road, turn right into Shaftesbury Avenue, and then left when you get to Gerrard Place. It’s not very far

2comments Hi Dan. It’s on the 21st April –

4comments What are the blue ’circles’ on the browband of Prince William’s horse?

8comments On my trips in the 70s, 80s, and possibly later than that, I remember the bells of St. Martin’s, which certain times of day, rang for maybe 5-10 minutes and it was so beautiful, I would stop everything to stand and listen. But I haven’t heard them in at least 15 years. Are they still ringing but only once a day? Or not at all? The bells were quite loud and I’ve been thinking maybe they’re now considered too intrusive or annoying. I truly hope not!

2comments Hi Rob. Entries are closed at the moment, but the details can be found here –

12comments When I go to a service at St. Paul’s, I always think of John Donne (’No man is an island…’ AND ’Ask not for whom the bell tolls…’ BOTH in the same poem) preaching here – though admittedly in the previous building!

1comments I have never been in UK. My first time visit in London will be during December 10- December 20th 2023. I would love to experience Buckingham palace.

7comments Hi Paul. It’s step free if you walk up The Avenue, which is a proper road with pavements that cuts through the middle of the park. It goes all the way up to the observatory. But if you want to climb up the path in front of the hill then from memory I think there might be a couple of shallow steps. It’s also very steep (a lot steeper than it looks)

2comments Hi Karen, The choirs will be performing inside the tower grounds so other visitors will have to pay to see them

2comments Hi Mark. It’s on for 70 minutes, with no interval

1comments London December 3 2023 somewhere to eat near Freemasons Hall London

1comments Wow. Just wow :| How could the Science Museum of London be straggling so far behind? Embarrassing.

3comments I am going to see ABBA Voyage on 17 Nov with a group of girl friends. We are staying over at the Holiday Inn Express in Stratford. What else is there to do on the 17th & 18th

6comments Yet another example of the Catholic Church proving just how alien it could be in church building. Byzantine architecture simply does not suit England’s heritage. A lost opportunity when Gothic is the lingua franca of our country. That said Liverpool’s modern Catholic Cathedral AKA Paddy’s Wigwam though beset by structural failure has much more to offer.

4comments Here you go –

7comments Hi Diane. They don’t chat with the public. Unless you get too close to the horses, or try and touch them, and then they will literally shout at you to move back. There are always some armed police nearby though, and they are usually happy to talk with you

3comments Perhaps all the small-minded people offended by the human body can go to Tunbridge Wells for the day.

4comments The middle bit is because it’s just like a covered-over street, but I don’t know about the individual shops. It has a couple of cafes with outdoor seating, and lots of other outdoor seats

6comments People have started arriving already and are sitting in deckchairs along the route. And there are still six days to go! I really want to see the Coronation but I don’t think I can face camping out for a whole week at my age

6comments Hi Chris, I think Windsor is better for most people. The scenery is a lot more spectacular and will knock your socks off even if you’re not particularly into history. The surrounding town is also worth a walk around, whereas there’s hardly anything to do outside of Hampton Court. But if you’re seriously into history (especially the Tudors) then Hampton Court is definitely worth a visit.

2comments Hi Escribano. The RA’s link (in the ticket box above) isn’t working at the moment, but it isn’t working on their own website either. They must be having a problem with that page. I would just keep trying.

2comments Kew Gardens is always a favourite when I have visitors in town!

1comments Will there be any special coronation events on 3rd and 4th May

10comments We’re coming in Sep 2023. Really appreciate your full details. It really helps just knowing some tips and guidelines.

2comments Hi James. Not that we know of. They haven’t got any concerts listed all year

8comments Hi Caroline. One hour should be plenty, its a pretty small boat. But its nice and atmospheric inside. Its worth having a walk around Borough Market while you’re waiting because its literally just around the corner, or you could pop inside Southwark Cathedral for a quick look.