London Drum

Privacy Policy / Cookies / Disclaimers

We recognise that privacy is important, so here’s some information about the types of data that we collect when you visit

Contact us

If you would like to contact us and ask some questions about our privacy policy, then you can do so through our contact page.

Data collection & Google analytics

We use the site’s access logs and Google Analytics to collect data from all web users. This data might include such information as your IP address, your ISP (your internet service provider, like Sky), the browser you used to visit our site (like Chrome or Safari) together with its user agent, the time you visited our site, and which pages you visited. We might also collect the search string you used if you visited us through a search engine.

All of this data, and more, is used by ourselves for research and development of the website, system administration, and as an aid to help you complete your current activity within the site (for example, by keeping track of which pages you have bookmarked in your holiday itinerary).

If you choose to post a comment underneath one of the articles then our system will also record your IP address and browser’s user agent. This information helps us to block spammers. Unlike most sites, we do not ask posters to register beforehand or leave an email address.

Read more information about Google’s privacy policy.

Affiliate links

Many of the pages in the attractions, events and hotel sections contain affiliate links, typically to buy an entry ticket or book a room. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a green buy button then we might receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Our cookies

Here is a list of our own cookies that we use on this site:

  • planner – this one keeps track of all the attractions you have added to your holiday itinerary
  • postedcomment – this one keeps track of whether you posted a comment under one of the articles

Third party cookies

We work with third-party analytics and advertising companies on These companies might deposit cookies on your computer which are accessed by those companies. We do not have access to the information stored in those cookies, but they may contain details such as your IP address, your ISP and which browser you are using.

This information is typically used to tailor their adverts to each user, and for geo-targeting purposes (to show London-based ads to someone living in London, for example). You can chose to disable or turn off some of these cookies in your browser settings. Check you browser’s documentation for instructions on how to do this.

Google also allows you to opt out of seeing personalised ads (but it won’t just affect this site – it will affect all of Google’s adverts across the web). Visit for instructions on how to do this.

External links contains links to many other websites that we think might be of interest – such as an attraction’s official website. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other websites.

About the events guide

Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the details in the events guide are accurate, the event organisers sometimes change the dates, timings and prices after we publish them on the site. We are not usually notified of these changes, but we do endeavour to change them whenever they come to our attention. We therefore ask that you reconfirm the details with the organisers before making any travel plans or purchases.

About the photographs

The vast majority of the photos of the landmarks and attractions on this site are original material created and owned by Some of the other images have been obtained from Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation License, or from the event companies themselves to publicise their events.

If you would like to ask us about an image, or you believe that an image should be removed, then please contact us through the contact form.

About the map

The map used on the holiday itinerary page has been provided by Open Street Map using open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) and © OpenStreetMap contributors. The cartography is licenced as CC BY-SA. Visit for more information.

About the train times and tube maps

All of the information about train times and service status in the transport section are powered by TFL Open Data containing OS data © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 / Geomni UK Map data © and database rights 2019. Visit for more information.

The tube maps are from a TFL widget. See for more information.

About the text

All of the text on this site is copyright © If you quote any of it elsewhere then you are required to give us a written credit. A simple – Text courtesy of – will suffice.

If you quote some of it on another website, then it is good manners to include a working link to show where it came from. A sample link is provided below for you to copy and paste onto your page:

<p>Text courtesy of <a href=""></a></p>

Please note: Whilst we are happy for you to quote a few sentences, reproducing more than a paragraph goes beyond the terms of fair use and any wholesale reproduction of our text, or the underlying code, may be dealt with in a legal manner.