Following its critically-acclaimed run at the Southwark Playhouse, the foot-stomping musical adaptation of F Scott Fitzgerald's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is coming to the West End.
The enchanting story has been re-located to a tight-knit fishing village in Cornwall and follows the bizarre life of Benjamin Button, who's living his life in reverse.
Under the light of a full moon he was born aged 70 - complete with a tweed suit, pipe and bowler hat - and as each day passes he gets younger and younger.
After 11 years he's in his 50s and falls for the young barmaid Elowen. But he misses his chance through shyness and doesn't meet her again until they're living in wartime Normandy. They eventually marry in 1948, now both aged 40.
But as Elowen gets older he gets younger, and all they want to do is live their life before his time runs out.
It's a timeless tale of a love that defies all the odds, and the fantastical world is brought to life through an electrifying actor-musician ensemble playing folksie jigs live on stage.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Cast & Creatives
Written by: Jethro Compton, Darren Clark, F Scott Fitzgerald; Music and lyrics: Jethro Compton, Darren Clark
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