London Drum

Pride London – LGBT+ March & Entertainment Stages

Pride in London
Where? Trafalgar Square When? 29th June 2024 Usually from 12 noon Price? Free to watch · See Parking: Nearby car parks Buses: 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 24, 29, 87, 88, 91, 139, 159, 176, 453 Bus fares Trains: The closest station is Charing Cross Bakerloo Northern Other nearby stations: Covent Garden, Embankment, Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus Train fares

With over a half-a-million people watching, 35,000 people marching, and 500 groups performing, this year's Pride parade is set to be the UK's biggest-ever celebration of the LGBT+ community.

The aim of the parade is to highlight the continuing challenges, inequalities and discrimination that they face every day.

Spectators on the Pride paradePhoto:

Parade from Hyde Park Corner to Whitehall Place

The colourful parade will start at Hyde Park Corner and head down the side of Green Park to Piccadilly Circus. It will then pass through Haymarket to Pall Mall, turn left into Trafalgar Square, and come to an end at Whitehall Place.

Watch the parade from a grandstand

Spectators on the Pride paradePhoto:

Spectators can watch from the side of the street for free or buy themselves a ticket in one of the seated grandstands.

The main grandstand is in Piccadilly, but this year they've put up an extra one in Cockspur Street which gives a good view of the parade as it nears Trafalgar Square. See their website for details about how to buy a ticket: Piccadilly / Cockspur Street.

Entertainment stages with music & speeches

Entertainment stage in Trafalgar SquarePhoto: Wikimedia Commons
Entertainment stage in Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square - The main stage in Trafalgar Square attracts around 5,000 people with its line-up of live music and speeches. They usually have a few chart-topping pop stars, famous DJs and comedy drag performances.

Leicester Square - Leicester Square is the LGBTQIA+ Women & Non Binary Stage. It also has lots of food and drink stalls and the surrounding area of Soho is great for pubs, clubs and restaurants.

Golden Square - This one features a diverse group of performers and a great range of food and drink stalls.

Soho Square - This stage will be devoted to trans artists.

Dean Street - This stage is where you'll find all the drag kings, queens and cabaret artists, delivering a lively afternoon of song, dance and laughs.

Victoria Embankment Gardens - Victoria Embankment Gardens is the family-friendly area where you and your kids can enjoy some fun activities and entertainment.

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